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Child Protection through Prediction


One of the risks a child might face is abuse, which can happen in many different ways and in all different kinds of social groups, cultures, and countries. Every parent wants their kids to be safe and accordingly there are many apps that provide parents with various possibilities to connect to their children, manage their digital interactions or monitor their locations, or get alerts if their kids are out of specific zones.

On the other hand, risk management and mitigation are heavily reliant on assigning a level of probability—a prediction—to the incidents that an organization wants to limit or avoid, such as accidents, losses, or project failures. In comparison, to provide successful child protection, a parent must gain insights into the risks they believe are relevant to their child and an early assessment of the child's level of risk exposure to mitigate risks before they occur.

This is the primary goal of our TwinUp app: to learn a child's social interactions and routines, apply a community-specific abuse risk profile to predict a risk score to various child activities. Based on the score, the TwinUp app then can inform the child, parents, or caregivers of potential high-risk circumstances to mitigate the situation. In addition, the TwinUp app provides a digital network that connects a child's device to what we call "persons of trust" at the many places a child frequents to speed up mitigation and assistance when needed.

It should be said that the TwinUp app doesn't need any data that other child protection apps don't already use.

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